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TMS Treatment

TMS Treatment in Delhi

Dr. Manish Sarkar is a well-known Consultant Psychiatrist in Delhi. He did his major in Psychiatry from prestigious NIMHANS, Bangalore. He has an overall experience of around 19yrs. Dr. Manish served in many major hospitals of Delhi as a Consultant Psychiatrist & cured many patients. He is very active in social media, academic conferences & workshops, appears regularly in T.V shows & Newspapers.

Dr. Manish Sarkar is now introducing Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment for a number of Psychiatric conditions. TMS is probably the best FDA, USA approved treatment modality available these days for Depression, OCD, De-addiction, Anxiety disorders, refractory hallucinations & also for a number of other Psychiatric conditions. The use of medicines along with TMS is very less to none. TMS is very useful for people with severe Depression & Anxiety where medicines didn’t bring the desired improvement.

TMS Treatment Benefits by the Dr Manish Sarkar

TMS is Transcranial Magnetic stimulation a treatment which uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate the nerve cells. The treatment often cures varied range of depression and other brain related disorders. TMS in the latest technology is rare in country like India. But one of the best centre for TMS is found in cities of delhi by Dr. Manish sarkar.  One of the best known physician with higher degree in psychiatry. He has been into this profession since year’s. Dr. Manish sarkar has a history of effectively curing the large number of patients in his career.

TMS treatment for depression-

Depression is the leading cause of illness in patients nowadays. The increase in pollution level makes the environment dull hence resulting in wide cases of chronic depression and other disorders. The body does not get enough fresh air and this gives direct effect on the brain and day to day activities.

TMS treatment for OCD-

OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Another leading disorder in this era. OCD has the number of reasons but the main reason is again linked to daily habits. OCD has two different ways to be cured. One is medications and the other is CBT. Both can be effectively done under the guidance of Dr. Manish Sarkar.

TMS treatment for anxiety-

Now the most common disorder which can be found in every four person is anxiety. Anxiety not only takes away peace but also deprives a person from living a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Manish Sarkar has cured number of patients with such disorders and has a smooth hand for recovery and giving the successful results from treatments.

What is (TMS) ?

At the point when the manifestations of significant gloom continue, paying little mind to the number of antidepressants have been tested, consider transcranial attractive feeling (TMS) as a successful wretchedness treatment choice. TMS treatment in delhi is a protected, harmless answer for assisting those with treatment-safe significant burdensome issue, just as co-happening tension issues, find help from life-disturbing manifestations. TMS offers a medication free option in contrast to antidepressants that requires no personal time and is given in an office setting. TMS helps in Depression, Anxiety, OCD etc. Tms treatment

Are there side effects?

TMS is a new evidence-based treatment for a number of Psychiatric and Neurological conditions.
A very small number of patients may experience headache and scalp discomfort.

How soon does it Work?

TMS stimulates the brain non-invasively to “reset” your brain networks which Improves:

It depends, but most report relief from depression symptoms in 8-10 sessions. However 20-25 sessions might be required for better amelioration of symptoms.

• Mood

• Energy

• Impulsivity & self-Control . Concentration & focus

• Creativity

How does TMS work?

TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate the brain’s dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).
It is also seen if other treatments have failed or not achieved desired results, TMS is your best option.

The DLPFC is involved in:

Trans cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
• Mood and self-regulation
inhibition and impulsivity

• Attention and Memory
FDA Approved for Depression, OCD (Anxiety) and Migraine.

TMS magnetic pulses:
• No or less medications
• Non-invasive
• Little or no side effects
• Quick response
• Out-patient based treatment, no anaesthesia, Resets brain networks
• Activates brain cell connectivity
• Increases the amount of neural activity and neurotransmitters.

The increased activity of neurons in this area of the brain lessens depression, anxiety and aids with other disorders.

Clinical research has also found it to be helpful in treating PTSD, chronic pain, ADHD, addiction, refractory auditory hallucinations, Bipolar disorder, Smoking cessations, Cognitive decline/ Alzheimer‘s etc.

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