Best De Addiction Treatment Doctor in South Delhi
Understanding addiction as an illness, to develop Self awareness & to develop strong will to quit addiction are the prime targets. Don’t blame the patients as they are in vicious cycle, unable to quit it. They are too obsessed with addiction too much that they give priority to addiction than other thing.
Usually there may be some underlying psychiatric problem so first diagnose & treat it. Individual psychological counseling, Insight oriented psychotherapy, Group therapies as our special effort has been proving useful in psycho social improvements. Our De Addiction treatment Doctor in South Delhi is based on guidelines of A.A. & N.A. Individual & Group Psychotherapy helps mound unhealthy personality patterns. Alcohol Anonymous Groups & 12 Step Programme for de-addiction patients
Family counseling; as family members are over concerned or neglecting the patient. Emotional Relief of family members immediately after admission. Family members need to understand that mal adaptive pattern of addict patient is an illness & he is not intentionally doing. Counseling improves patient’s & families’ ability to understand to each other in better way.
therapy i.e. Disulfiram if patient takes alcohol on this drug he may get Palpitation, Vomiting, Nausea, Low B.P etc. specific drugs are used so that he can quit it.
For de addiction we include, AA groups, Family therapy, spirituality & Medications which provide effective Management for De-Addiction Disorders. To develop various healthy hobbies to get happiness which is usually sought from addiction.